Analysis of innovation and
its impact on business competitiveness
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Development of activities aimed at analysis and advice for the implementation and management of innovation within the company.
Services offered:
- Assessment of the impact of innovation on business competitiveness.
- Advice on innovation management in the company.
- Analysis of factors that drive the effect of innovation on business competitiveness.
Previous transfer experience:
This area has been recently created. Although the research group has done a great deal of work in academic research and in knowledge dissemination, experience in its application to businesses is limited. Several specific studies have been carried out in the Defence Sector.
Target market:
Companies, organizations and institutions from any area of activity that are looking at innovation as a way to improve business competitiveness.
Business management and governance models
focused on improving competitiveness
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Development of activities related to the adoption of the EFQM Model of Excellence, good corporate governance practices and other business management references.
Services offered:
- Advice on the adoption and development of Management Excellence Models (e.g. EFQM)
- Advice on the adoption and development of Management Models and Organisational Innovations based on concepts such as Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and good Corporate Governance from a Stakeholder perspective (e.g. identification and prioritisation of stakeholders, preparation of Materiality Matrixes, preparation of Sustainability Reports -GRI-, etc.).
- Preparation of long-term strategic plans based on the concepts of Quality, Excellence and Sustainability, and deployment of medium- and short-term actions.
- Professionalization of the organization through the design, implementation and continuous improvement of the management bodies, following the principles of good corporate governance.
- Training plans in Quality, Excellence and Sustainability.
Previous experience in transfer activities:
Studies have been carried out for different public and private organisations. These include the Aragonese Institute of Development (IAF), the Construction Labour Organisation (Aragón and Spain), the General Council of Spanish Veterinary Associations, the Saragossa City Council, the BASIC Project, which is financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). And there have been collaborations with the Integra-Quality Management Consultants Group and with Consultores MTT, IDECONSA.
Target market:
Companies, organizations and institutions in any sector interested in good governance and quality improvement and with plans to implement quality systems or receive distinctions for quality.
Growth, efficiency and competitiveness
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Development of activities aimed at boosting and improving the company´s competitiveness. These include support for the internationalisation of companies (especially SMEs), advice for improving efficiency and results. Although services can be offered in all sectors, the sports and defence sectors are being analysed in detail.
Services offered:
- Advice on the company’s internationalization process.
- Studies on Aragonese and Spanish internationalisation.
- Support for SME exports.
- Agro-food sector
- Advice on improving business results (costs and results)
- Assessment of organisations and proposal for improvement.
- Studies on business efficiency and improvement
- Analysis of Results of National and International Sporting Competitions
- Advice to sports entities regarding efficiency and competition.
- Assessment of entities and competitions
Previous transfer experience:
Studies for various public and private organizations have been carried out. These include the National Energy Commission, the Repsol Foundation, the Aragonese Institute of Development (IAF), the Court for the Defence of Competition of Aragón, the Catalan Government, the LPG Association, Coca-Cola, Ebrópolis, the Association of Excavators of Aragón, the Professional Football League.
In addition, experience is available in the organization of national and international congresses (e.g. Iberian International Business Conference, Ibero-American Sports Economics Congress; National Congress of the Scientific Association of Economics and Business Management (ACEDE); City Seminars, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Conference.
Target market:
Internationalisation: Companies wishing to expand internationally. Organisations that promote internationalisation. Applicable to all sectors
Efficiency and business improvement: Companies, organizations and institutions in any sector of activity concerned with improving their competitive position through efficiency and value creation.
Sports Sector: Sports entities in any area of sports