Marisa Ramírez Alesón
Investigadora principal
Catedrática de Universidad
Departamento de Dirección y Organización de Empresas
Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Campus Paraíso
Dirección postal: Facultad Economía y Empresa
Gran Vía, 2. 50.005 Zaragoza, España
A graduate in Economics and Business Sciences since 1991 and a Doctor since 1997, with both degrees obtained at the School of Economics and Business (formerly School of Economics and Business Sciences) of the University of Zaragoza.
She has been working in the Department of Business Management and Organization of the School of Economics and Business of University of Zaragoza since 1991, reaching the position of Professor in June 2013. She has obtained 4 positive evaluations for her research activity and 1 positive evaluation for her transference activity.
She made a 5-month research stay at the Department of Business Organization at the Complutense University of Madrid and another two-year stay at the Department of General & Strategic Management at Temple University in Philadelphia (USA).
She has participated in various research projects and contracts with companies and public and private organizations. She has published research papers in prestigious academic journals such as Management International Review, Journal of International Management, Ecological Economics, Spanish Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization and Technovation, among others. Other works, which are academically rigorous but created for outreach purposes, have been published in journals such as Economía Industrial, Información Comercial Española, Universia or Emprendimiento and Negocios Internacionales.
Her areas of interest are Strategic Management, especially with regard to product diversification and company internationalization, the study of innovation and economic-financial analysis, all applied to different types of companies (family businesses, SMEs, multinationals), different sectors and different geographic areas.
Research lines
- Análisis de la Innovación y su impacto en la Competitividad Empresarial;
- Factores que favorecen un mayor éxito en la innovación
- Relación entre innovación y actividad internacional de la Empresa
- Innovación en el Sector de la Defensa
- Crecimiento, Eficiencia y Competitividad.
- Diversificación de Producto e Internacionalización: causas y consecuencias.
- Exportaciones e Importaciones
- Análisis económico y empresarial
- Análisis de la innovación y su impacto en la competitividad empresarial
- Modelos de gestión y gobierno empresarial enfocados a la mejora de la competitividad
- Crecimiento, eficiencia y competitividad